Judy Gaman
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Are you feeling Stressed? Listen to our course on Stress Reduction 101 from the Staying Young Show

Your ticket to one hour of medical school is brought to you by Southlake's own experts at Executive Medicine of Texas. You are officially enrolled in Stress Reduction 101, learn everything you need to know to manage your stress. Joining us on the nationally syndicated Staying Young Radio Show is none other than Dr. Kathy Gruver, a PhD in health and author of over five books including Conquer Your Stress with Mind/Body Techniques. Feeling overwhelmed? This episode is for you! Join the hundreds of thousands of listeners from around the world who are taking action to become healthier and live longer. Click on the link below to listen now.  

Want to hear more from the Staying Young Radio Show? Go to to see a list of previous episodes, view our products, or follow us on social media.

Judy Gaman
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Staying Motivated Find out how to stay motivated though out your workout

Your ticket to one hour of medical school is brought to you by Southlake's own experts at Executive Medicine of Texas. If you find it difficult to get motivated to exercise than this is an episode of the Staying Young Radio Show you don't wanna miss. We'll be sharing our motivation for exercising and talking with Sonia Satra. Sonia is an actress, fitness instructor, award winning motivational speaker, and the founder of Moticise. She'll be sharing her tips and insight on how to stay motivated while exercising, so if you need some help keeping to your workout routine or want some good advice for a friend, click the video or link below to hear our free podcast from our radio show.

Want to hear more from the Staying Young Radio Show? Go to to see a list of previous episodes, view our products, or follow us on social media.

Judy Gaman
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Jason Elias Author of "A to Z Guide to Healing Herbal Remedies" and " Kissing Joy as if Flies"

Your ticket to one hour of medical school is brought to you by Southlake's own experts at Executive Medicine of Texas. We live in an exciting time, one where healing can come from a variety of sources. On the Staying Young Radio Show, our guest Jason Elias, healer and author of Kissing Joy As It Flies, will talk about how he integrates the healing methods of western and eastern cultures. He combines traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture, supplements, nutrition, Eastern and modern Western techniques in order to heal and revitalize patients. For an interesting look at alternative, naturopathic, Western or Eastern medicine, click the video or link below to hear our free podcast from our nationally syndicated radio show.

Want to hear more from the Staying Young Radio Show? Go to to see a list of previous episodes, view our products, or follow us on social media.

Judy Gaman
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The Medical Revolution Amazing medical discoveries are happening every day. Learn about the changes in medicine and what the future holds

Your ticket to one hour of medical school is brought to you by Southlake's own experts at Executive Medicine of Texas. Every day there is some new amazing discovery in medicine. It's truly astonishing to think about how medicine has changed in such a short amount of time. We decided to dedicate this episode of our nationally syndicated show to looking at the amazing changes of the Medical Revolution. Joining us on the Staying Young Radio Show is none other than Dr. David Agus. Dr Agus is a leading cancer doctor and researcher and has authored a book called The Lucky Years: How to Thrive in the Brave New World of Health, discussing the many changes in medicine and what it means to your longevity. Learn about what the future holds for medicine by click the video or link below to hear our free podcast from our radio show.

Want to hear more from the Staying Young Radio Show? Go to to see a list of previous episodes, view our products, or follow us on social media.

Judy Gaman
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How to Protect Your Body As You Age Learn how to keep yourself feeling healthy, happy, and young, even in the years to come

Your ticket to one hour of medical school is brought to you by Southlake's own experts at Executive Medicine of Texas. Keeping your body in tip-top condition will help you lead a healthier, happier life. Our bodies change as we age as do our body's needs. As hosts of the Staying Young Radio Show we want to help you live longer and healthier, so this entire episode of our nationally syndicated radio show is focused on protecting your health through each decade of life. Listen to the podcast listed below. As always, we're bringing you information you can use! 

Want to hear more from the Staying Young Radio Show? Go to to see a list of previous episodes, view our products, or follow us on social media.

Judy Gaman
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You want to order what? Podcast helps you understand diagnostic tests your healthcare provider may order.

Your ticket to one hour of medical school is brought to you by Southlake's own experts at Executive Medicine of Texas. We've all gone to see the doctor, only to be bombarded with acronyms and other medical jargon.  We at the Staying Young Radio Show have dedicated an entire episode of our nationally syndicated show to help demystify many of the terms for medical tests. If you’ve ever wanted to know things like the difference between a CT and a MRI,  or between invasive and non-invasive, click the link below to hear an entertaining and free podcast of this episode of our nationally syndicated radio show. 

Want to hear more from the Staying Young Radio Show? Go to to see a list of previous episodes, view our products, or follow us on social media.

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Judy Gaman

Listen as special guest, and retired NFL wide receiver Fred Barnett gives tips for staying fit over 40 in our newest episode that's available now! Click the link below to download it!

Judy Gaman

Mid-life obesity is directly linked to dementia risk. The British Medical Journal stated that there are 66 million people around the world with dementia and that number is climbing. Turns out those aged 30-39 had a 3.5 times higher risk than in those of the same age who were not obese. For those in their 40s who were obese the risk was even high for those in their 50s. You can find more information about this study below!

Judy Gaman

Fascinating study that came out July 22 in the journal Endocrinology showed that granddaughters that have ancestors who were exposed to a common fungicide called vinclozolin have higher anxiety levels. The researchers at UT Austin and Washington State completed the study. The chemical vinclozolin is known as an endocrine disruptor and is commonly used to fight off molds on fruits and vegetables. Did a little more research and found that this same chemical can affect estrogen and progesterone levels. It’s also used on Golf Courses. It’s amazing to see how exposure to chemicals affects our bodies as well our children and grandchildren.

Judy Gaman