Judy Gaman
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Executive Medicine of Texas A global leader in preventive and proactive medicine

DNA testing is taking center stage in advanced health and wellness programs. It gives the patient more detailed information about their own health, creating a truly personalized approach for improvement.

Executive Medicine of Texas is a leader in preventative and proactive medicine, perhaps most known for their half-day executive physical examinations and concierge medicine programs. Their dedication to technology and science is what sets them apart from others in their field. For example, telomere testing was being offered to their patients long before most physicians had any idea that telomere length was associated with health and the aging process. “DNA testing was a natural progression for us,” states Judy Gaman, Director of Business Development. “People come for the luxury service we offer, but they return and refer others because of the information we are able to provide to them. Information that will change, or in some cases, save their life.”

Genetic Direction, the lab being used for the DNA testing, has earned the respect of many physicians across the country. They offer several options for DNA testing, with GxSlim and GxRenew currently being offered at Executive Medicine of Texas and GxPerform forthcoming. GxSlim offers scientifically-based weight management recommendations that are specific to a person’s DNA. It includes which foods are best to eat and to avoid, as well as which exercises will be most effective. It answers the age-old question of why some people do better with diet, some with exercise, while others have to have to pay significant attention to both.

GXRenew examines 29 different traits to look at how a person’s genes may be dictating their aging process. This allows for targeted age management, rather than trial and error. “It’s a great tool for anyone concerned about maintaining or improving their youthful appearance and stamina,” says Judy Gaman.

GxPerform, which is directed at athletes to help them reach optimal levels of performance, will be available in late Spring 2018. 

“Nothing is more personal than your own DNA. It holds the code to your health risks as well as the steps necessary to improve and increase chances for longevity,” says Walter Gaman, MD. “We know one size doesn’t fit all, and DNA testing takes personalized medicine to a whole new level.” While DNA testing can be ordered al la cart, it’s also incorporated into their Renewal Concierge Program, a program dedicated to a scientific approach to looking and feeling younger. 

DNA testing is performed using a cheek swab and is quick and painless. The results are provided with several pages that explain the different genetic variations. These are reviewed during a follow up visit with the healthcare provider. Result time averages 2-3 weeks from time of collection. J. Mark Anderson, MD explains, “You can spend months, even years trying to figure out what works for you, or you can give us a few weeks and provide you with solutions that are based on fact and science.”

 About Executive Medicine of Texas: Located at the corner of Kimball and Highway 114, in Southlake, Executive Medicine of Texas attracts clients from around the globe. Their luxury approach to health is in stark contrast to the average patient experience in today's healthcare world. Learn more about their executive physical exams, concierge medicine programs, and bio-identical hormone replacement programs, as well as DNA testing by visiting

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