Tarrant Area Guild of Storytelling Public Event



Central Standard Time


Recur on the third Monday of every 1 month(s) forever.


Barnes and Nobles
861 NE Mall Blvd
Hurst, Texas 76053

You are invited to the Tarrant Area Guild of Storytellers monthly meeting at the Barnes and Nobles Northeast Mall in Hurst Texas 76053

Mall in Hurst Texas. Every month we meet with, and entertain the public with  stories of history, culture, folklore, family, friends, and more.

Each month there is a different theme for the tellers, but for all our friends and visitors if you wish to share, you are invited and if you only want to listen we

need you guys too. Storyteller Decee Cornish we share his story,  "The Emancipation Trail" to recognize June 19th. So in addition to Decee we will have our

traditional open mike'. We are open for membership, and provide training and workshops for the novice and anyone interested in learning The Art of Story. 

TAGS is always looking for new venues and new audiences for storytelling. Hope to see you soon and don't forget your story!

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