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Children receive special gifts from Summer Santa!

The summer of 2023 was an extremely busy time for the dedicated Summer Santa elves. Over 700 families were gifted with children’s clothing or a camp experience through the Summer Santa’s summer enrichment programs. This year’s summer projects serviced more families than previous years.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    The diligent camp placement team provided over 160 scholarships for Northeast Tarrant County children in DFW area camps. For families preferring an alternate to a in person camp, Summer Santa provided 325 families with Camp in a Box.  This fun-filled box contained multi age enrichment activities that offered repeat experiences over the summer.

Summer Santa ended the summer with two Back to School Shopping days at Southlake Kohl’s for 235 children. Accompanied by volunteer shopping chaperones each child was allocated $150 to spend for school clothes. One little boy was so excited about his new clothes that he decided to wear them. When he was ready to check out at the register, the cashier did some creative thinking on scanning price tags on his clothes. She put him on the checkout table and scanned price tags on clothing items. He left Kohl’s as  one happy shopper!!!  Upon completing their shopping spree, each child received a backpack loaded with school supplies. The final treat of the day was visiting Summer Santa’s library tables and selecting two books for pleasure reading.

The cooperative efforts of over 400 volunteers and many generous sponsors were instrumental in successfully creating so many smiling children. Summer Santa is extremely grateful to these major contributors and organizations:  Food Saved Me, Henry Schein, KMPG, Panther City Plumbing, Sport Clips, Pro Players Foundation, Randy White Real Estate Services, The Toy Maven, Southlake Chapter of National Charity League and Young Men’s Service League for their desire to help others.

Summer Santa invites you to be one of our supporters for our annual Movie Afternoon for families in November. For details go to

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