
The City of Southlake Planning and Zoning Commission will meet at 6:30 p.m. Thursday, November 17th and one particular item on the agenda has two different groups going head to head, according to an article in the Southlake Journal.

Jellico Circle Estates residents are expected to attend the meeting and voice their opposition to plans for an office park on land currently owned by Bethel Methodist Church. In turn, Bethel Methodist representatives will fight for the church's right to sell the land and the the church could consider taking legal action against the City of Southlake.

During the meeting, commissioners will consider amending the city's land-use plan from density residential to office commercial for the land located at the corner of Jellico Circle West and Southlake Boulevard. Also on the agenda is a zoning change that would allow the office park.

This is the second time this month that the commissioners have discussed the office park. The proposal was tabled at the November 3rd meeting because Vice-chairman Robert Hudson said the full commission should vote on the proposal, but three members of the commission were absent at the time.

The meeting will be held in the council chambers at the Town Hall, 1400 Main Street.