Terri Zelasko – Guest Contributor
Oct 9 2018
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If you’re part of the Carroll Theatre Department – a lot!  Writing, casting, staging, directing, and performing any play in 24 hours would be a feat but Carroll Theatre High School Theatre Department is taking that on times four!

The clock starts Friday night when our student playwrights’ fingers hit their keyboards and ends on Saturday night when actors, directors, technicians, and playwrights all take their final bow.

Playwrights will spend the night crafting stories and by 6 am they’ll be meeting with directors who will work with their teams to bring the story to life.  Actors, directors, and technicians will spend the day memorizing, improvising and creating so that by 7 pm on Saturday night it show time! In total, fifty Carroll High School and Senior High School students will work together to deliver four plays.

This fast-paced, adrenaline-packed event is sure to be an enlightening and entertaining experience for all involved – especially the audience!

Four plays: Written, Cast, Staged, Directed, & Performed in 24 hours!
All by students - WOW!

Saturday, October 13th

Carroll Senior High School Auditorium

Showtime: 7 pm 

Tickets $5 at the door

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