Julie Varriale
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Boys and Girls Teams. On left, girls team from top: Cate Tracht, Sarah McCabe, Sophia Santamaria, Cristina Canal, Lauren Esparza, Kate Reppeto; On right, boys team from top: Jack Felkins, Enzo Mortimer, Drew Bliss, Connor Rutledge, Juan Arcila, Vishnu Nair, Jack Meyers




 Portland, OR (December 2, 2017) –Southlake Cross Country & Track Club’s top 7 boys and top 7 girls teams competed against the best runners in the nation at Nike Cross Nationals in Portland, Oregon on Saturday.  The girls came away with 20th in the nation and the boys took 19th in the nation. This is the 14th year that Nike has hosted this prestigious meet for the top two boys and top two girl’s teams in each of the eight regions around the country.  Rainy and chilly temperatures in the mid-40’s were familiar conditions for these runners as they navigated the race at the Glendover Golf Course filled with hills and plenty of mud.


The girl’s team entered the race as the South Region champions and placed 20th overall on Saturday.  Cate Tracht was first to cross the line for the girl’s team coming in 112th at 19:35.  Next to finish was Sofia Santamaria in 124th at 19:45, Sarah McCabe in 133rd at 19:55, Lauren Esparza placed 156th with a time of 20:13 and Angie Riera finished in 160th at 20:21.  Completing the lineup was Cristina Canal in 175th at 20:39 and Kate Reppeto in 194th at 21:18.    


The boy’s team entered the race as the second place finisher from Nike South Regionals placing 19th overall in the National race on Saturday.  The team was led by Juan Arcila in 107th at 16:28, followed by Jackson Felkins in 110th at 16:30, Jack Myers in 136th at 16:42, Vishnu Nair in 145th at 16:51 and Connor Rutledge in 162nd at 16:59.  Completing the boys team were Enzo Mortimer in 171st at 17:10 and Drew Bliss in 184 at 17:21. 


Head Coach Justin Leonard commented, “We are extremely proud of our runners and the season they’ve had.  To be able to end their season at NXN is an accomplishment that only 21 other schools in the U.S. can do.  We would like to thank our school, parents and community for the support.  We are excited about the future as well and we will begin that journey tomorrow.”


Results and video:

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