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Southlake Carroll Lacrosse Association is pleased to announce that Fall Registration is now open for all youth teams. Youth Girls will begin the season Sept 6. Youth Boys will begin the season the week of Sept 15. 

Youth teams are based upon age groups starting with incoming Kindergarten to rising 8th graders. For the Fall season, all games and practices will be in Southlake to minimize travel times for families and maximize playing, practicing and skill development for players. 

Why is lacrosse is the fastest-growing sport in the U.S. at the youth, high-school and collegiate levels for both boys and girls? 

  • It's fun, with plenty of action for players of all abilities. 
  • It's fast-paced so it keeps players and kids engaged. 
  • It's a blend of the traditional sports so will help develop hand-eye coordination for baseball, endurance from soccer, decision-making for basketball, and positioning from football. On the fly substitutions, and timed periods not only keep the game moving, but makes it easier for families with multiple players to schedule their weekends. 

High school players will have informal practice and strength programs in Fall with official try-outs and registration in January. 

SPECIAL NOTE TO NEW BANTAM (Grades K-3) LACOSSE PLAYERS: SCLA has set up a program at TeamLax (1101 State Hwy 114) for new players.

If you purchase your equipment at TeamLax you will receive a $100 store credit to offset the initial equipment cost. 

Additionally, SCLA has great, slightly used sticks that we will give to new players only on a first come, first served basis. Please contact, Scott Sheehan ( if you are a new Bantam player and would like a stick. 

Online registration and more information is available at