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Cinderella Waltz - Carroll Sr High School Theater Brings Comedy, Farce and Fantasy to Your Holiday

Carroll Theater Department invites you to add a little comedy, farce and fantasy to your holiday with the extraordinarily entertaining one-act play, Cinderella Waltz!

Rosey Snow is trapped in a fairy tale world that is both funny and a little frightening.  Stepsisters Goneril and Regan, Rosey’s demented stepmother, her bewildered father, a befuddled Prince, a fairy godmother who sings salty old sailor songs, a troll, and a possibly homicidal village idiot contribute to the twists and turns that make this one-act a memorable departure from the timeless story.

Guest-directed by award-winning director, Demond Wilson, President and founder of The Perfect Performance, The Cinderella Waltz has been a thrilling a experience for Carroll Theater students and it is sure to be for audiences as well.

Set in the intimate Black Box Theater on the CSHS campus, Cinderella Waltz will run for two nights only.

The Black Box Theater offers an intimate experience, limited to 120 seats, tickets will be available each night at the door beginning at 5:30 pm. 


Cinderella Waltz by Don Nigro

Wednesday, December 16          6 pm
Thursday, December 17              6 pm

Tickets:  $10   Available at the door only, not online

More information about the play can be found at

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