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The Easter Bags A photo of some of the Easter bags that were donated.

With fewer than 30 days' notice, the city of Southlake rallied together to provide 400 hygiene bags to the homeless this Easter Sunday. Pastor Leon Reyes of Fit Church set a lofty goal for Southlake to accomplish on such short notice, but when he hit his goal on Easter Sunday, he wasn't surprised.

"I have known that the people of Southlake truly care about those less fortunate, they just don't know where the needs are or where to begin," says Pastor Leon.

Many Southlake residents and those nearby even went down to the streets of downtown Dallas on Easter Sunday to worship with the homeless, help feed them, hand out clothing and necessities, and then pass out the Easter bags that Southlake had so lovingly made for them. 

In an interesting turn of events, the homeless Easter service brought in more than 700 homeless men and women, instead of the anticipated 400. The Southlake volunteers just gave the Easter bags to everyone until they were gone. 

"Even though we made it to our goal this year, we did not anticipate such a good turnout in homeless attendees, so next year, our goal will have to be 800 Easter bags. But I'm not scared...I know Southlake is up for the challenge next year!" Pastor Leon said with confidence. 

Pastor Leon and the rest of the Fit Church staff and members thank all of Southlake and the surrounding communities for their help and participation. It truly was an Easter to remember, not just for the homeless, but for those who volunteered.

Click here to view a video from the Fit Church Easter Service if you were unable to attend.