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Southlake City Council, Laura Hill
Meet Laura Hill, a member of the Southlake City Council since 2004. As a civic leader in Southlake for more than a decade and a resident since 1998, Hill is passionate about helping the city reach its full potential for growth and development. She is dedicated to cutting-edge programs focused on protecting and educating families, founding SPARK (Students and Parents Against Risks to our Kids). 
Hill lives in Southlake with her husband and is the mother of three children. She is the co-owner of Downey Publishing in Southlake, receiving the Southlake Chamber of Commerce Citizen of the Year award in 2007. Hill has been deeply involved in various boards, committees and initiatives throughout the years and previously served as Mayor Pro Tem and Deputy Mayor Pro Tem.
We wanted to know more about Council Member Hill and she was kind enough to answer a few questions for us:  
Dawn Tongish: Southlake is such a growing, bustling community. What projects are on the horizon to improve the quality of life? 
Laura Hill: Phase One of the new Community Center in Bicentennial Park is the most exciting project happening in Southlake right now.  A Community Center is the missing link in the vibrant family community we have built.  There needs to be a place for our multi-generational community to come together to enjoy classes, exercise, the arts and just fun. 
DT: In your view, what sets this community apart from the surrounding cities?  
LH: Definitely engaged citizens. I am constantly impressed and amazed by the level of giving in this community. Our school district emphasizes giving of self through community service; the city offers enormous opportunity to volunteer for all ages and rewards it.  The Southlake spiritual community has prioritized giving back and we are blessed to have so many local business owners that live and work here in our city.  The business community is fully invested in the future of Southlake and adds a valuable dynamic that many other communities don’t benefit from.
DT: You are instrumental in the group, SPARK. Can you explain the mission and accomplishments, so far?     
LH: SPARK is the accomplishment I am most proud of.  We started Students and Parents Against Risks to Kids in 2007 with the support of the City, CISD and Southlake DPS. It has changed the way Southlake deals with tough issues that affect our children.  Southlake was one of the first communities to openly talk about the struggles our kids were facing and this happened in large part because of SPARK. Our goal has always been to “spark” a conversation in every home. We want to empower parents with the knowledge and resources needed to talk about tough subjects with their kids.  Through our efforts over the last 7 years, we have seen an amazing shift in our community, a new willingness to talk about the challenges of raising kids today.
DT: Being an elected official is stressful. What do you do to reset? 
LH: My husband jokingly says I get “overstimulated”, unfortunately I only have two speeds zero and 120. But truly, there are so many people in my life who really look out for me. I have an unbelievable support system; loyal friends, incredible employees, a dear husband and children who let me “do my thing” and support me no matter what.  I think I am constantly resetting by always sleeping 8 hours and by working out regularly.
DT: When you have a few minutes just to drive around the city, where do you like to go? 
LH: I am very lucky that both my business and my home are in Southlake. For 17 years my favorite drive has been my drive home every night after work.  I think I live off of one of the most beautiful roads in Southlake; North Peytonville.  I love how the trees have grown over the road.  For me there is a lot of comfort in driving home to the place I am happiest.
DT: Do you have a favorite restaurant in the city? 
LH: One of the greatest things about living in Southlake is that there is never a lack of choices when it comes to excellent restaurants. My office is across the street from Wildwood Grill, great locally owned family business, love their salmon! Desert is always from the Texas Ice Cream Truck… (one of our family businesses) but really the best ice cream out there! 
DT: What can the residents of Southlake do to pitch in and improve their community? 
LH: The number one thing each resident can do is get informed.  If you are on social media “follow” The City, CISD, DPS and The Chamber.  Read the local paper, sign up for ConnectCTY, and listen to those city phone calls.  The City, Chamber and the School District have interactive websites packed with information.  You can even watch City Council meetings down to the item and minute you are interested in.  Whatever your interest, get informed and get involved.
DT: What is the one thing the citizens of Southlake would never guess about you?
LH: I have had my Concealed Handgun License for over 10 years!
DT: If you had to describe your "bubble" (Southlake) in three words, what would those words be? 
LH: “Home sweet Home”
DT: Green space is quickly being swallowed up by development in Southlake. Do you welcome all of the growth or is the city losing its "close-knit community" feel? 
LH: Change is tough for everyone. My mom and dad moved to Southlake in 1985, I moved here in 1997. Change for each of us starts the day we moved here. How Southlake has managed the inevitable change is truly amazing. Consider how we are ideally located between two of the country’s largest metropolitan cities, 10 minutes from one of the busiest airports in the world and we have a major State highway that dissects our city. I believe that city council before me had the vision to plan for today; we have protected our residential areas and developed the 114 corridor completely differently than 1709.  We are a community of neighborhoods, parks, schools and a Town Square with a tradition of excellence in all we do. Our future will be determined by the citizens that call Southlake home, they are an amazing group and I for one would never want to live anywhere else.  

If you'd like to nominate a local resident for a BubbleLife community profile, contact Dawn Tongish at or find her on Twitter at @DawnTongish.

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