Terran Incognita, #1
Paul McGrath
Delightful, with unexpectedly perfect plot twists.
Left is the first book in author Paul McGrath’s new science fiction series, Terran Incognita, and features an extraterrestrial embedded among the population of the small town of Eudora, Mississippi, to observe Earth’s inhabitants and who is left behind when he is delayed getting to his team’s extraction point. His unplanned extended stay is fun but telling of the current social environment, and while dark at times, it makes for entertaining and compelling reading from start to finish.
Anton-7, or Roy McDonald (his Earth alias), provides fine observations of the human condition from an outsider’s (FAR outsider’s) point of view as he gets increasingly closer and more involved with his unaware human hosts. Against all protocol, Anton goes “native.” I thoroughly enjoyed his “smooth” attempts to fit in and be a good guest. His internal monologue about his encounters is, at times, uneasy but always clever and hopeful that he’s responding appropriately, especially when engaging with Ezra and Ellie.
The story is well-paced as the events of his unplanned unfold, including a fun tour of Memphis, Tennessee’s points of interest. American society and popular opinions are examined and evaluated through his third-party, alien lens, and when circumstances reveal to him gaping discrepancies, such as nationwide gun availability, Anton decides to take action that will definitely rub with enthusiasts. Anton plays fast and loose with what many fans of the genre will understand as “the Prime Directive,” but, luckily, with positive outcomes. The author has a wonderful sense of dialogue and a knack for banter. It was a lot of fun to watch the growing relationship between Anton/Roy and Ellie Atkinson. The plot takes some delightful left turns that are so perfect and unexpected that I am still smiling about them.
I recommend LEFT to readers of humorous and satirical science fiction.
I voluntarily reviewed this after receiving an Advanced Review Copy from the author through Lone Star Book Blog Tours.