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Dragon Debate Club Boosters are hosting an exciting informational event for Carroll ISD students and parents on March 28.
Building Leaders: How Debate Benefits Carroll Students
Featuring speaker Rafael Cruz (father of U.S. Senator and Princeton debate champ Ted Cruz): Hosted by the Dragon Debate Booster Club
Friday, March 28
6-8 p.m.
Carroll Senior High School Auditorium

  • Rafael Cruz will speak on how students can benefit from participating in debate. (This is a non-political event.)
  • Learn more about debate and the activities it encompasses. 
  • Award-winning students will present short demonstrations.
Arrive early to ensure seating!

Debate encompasses a wide range of speaking opportunities, including policy, congressional and Lincoln-Douglas debate, extemporaneous speaking, humorous and dramatic interpretation, and original oratory.

The debate team competes at the local, state, and national levels against public and private schools.

Debate builds critical thinking, creative analysis, logic, leadership and presentation skills — all of which are valuable in any career field. Students learn to think for themselves.

According to the Wall Street Journal, because of grade inflation and test prep progams that distort the reliability of standardized test scores, college admissions directors are relying less on grade point averages and SAT scores and are relying more on success in academic extracurricular activities such as speech and debate.

From Robert Sher at “Many business leaders are frustrated in their attempts to find Millennials…who seem to have the potential to lead the company in the years ahead. I’ve got a suggestion: search for those who competed in speech and debate competition in high school (or college) and hire them…They all come dressed like business executives and they have a deep understanding of how to persuade, how to present clearly and how to connect with an audience. It’s impressive.”