Riley Heruska
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Beth Kirschner and Family

When local mother Beth Kirschner discovered that her children’s heads were covered in lice, she wanted them gone immediately. Unfortunately, she quickly realized that lice removal isn’t a simple step-by-step process. After spending several hundred dollars on sessions with a mobile nitpicker, Kirschner’s family was still haunted by the tenacious little bugs. Home treatments and other rumored remedies also failed, and this Texas mother was nearing her wit’s end.

Eventually, after months of financial and emotional frustration, the family got their lice problem under control, but Kirschner realized that North Texas was in serious need of some effective lice removal treatments. Her battle with the pests was taxing, and she was determined to keep other families from stumbling into the same nightmare.

Today, Kirschner owns two Lice Lifters Treatment Centers — one in Frisco and one in Southlake — and plays a personal role in the head lice elimination process for both children and adults. She takes pride in her work and aids families throughout the Dallas and Fort Worth area.

“For both [Lice Lifters’] founder and myself as a franchisee, getting into the lice removal business was something we felt compelled to do after our own families went through the frustration of getting rid of head lice — only to have them return,” Kirschner said. 

With a natural killing agent, Lice Lifters can destroy any live activity on the head in just one treatment without exposing people to unnecessary toxins or pesticides. They use their own all-natural proprietary killing agent that you can trust. Her centers also employ an expert comb-out system that removes nits and helps prevent them from coming back over and over again. Not only is the process extremely effective, but it also saves parents the trouble of hiring a mobile lice removal service or spending money on pointless home remedy ingredients.

“Nobody likes having to deal with head lice,” Kirschner said. “But Lice Lifters is here to help you put it all behind you as quickly as possible.”

Because of her family’s struggle and her career experiences, Kirschner has become a bit of an expert on lice removal. She speaks at schools and conventions in an effort to raise awareness about ineffective and potentially harmful forms of lice treatment. She also educates people about the ways head lice can spread, especially in the classroom and on the playground.

If you know someone struggling with head lice or nits, Kirschner and her crew are ready to help. You can visit one of her Lice Lifters Treatment Centers in Frisco or Southlake for quick and painless assistance. Book an appointment in advance or call to schedule an emergency visit.

For more information on Lice Lifters and Kirschner’s story, visit

Southlake location: 817-677-1024 
Frisco location: 972-805-1308

Article sponsored by Lice Lifters

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