Julie Varriale
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Carroll Cross Country Weekend Meets Recap


Dragon Elite Varsity Girls Take 2nd & Boys Take 3rd

In the McNeil Invitational


Varsity Boys Place 2nd & Girls Take 5th

JV Girls and Boys Take 1st

In the Wildcat Prowl in the Park


Round Rock, TX and Denton, TX (September 29, 2018) – The Elite Dragon Varsity Teams raced at the state meet site at Old Settler’s Park competing against hundreds of teams from around the state.  Both teams came away strong with the boys grabbing a 3rd place finish and the girls placing 2nd in their race.  In Denton, the Varsity boys placed 2nd while the girls placed 5th with a predominately freshman team.  Both the JV boys’ and girls’ teams grabbed the top spots in their races.   


McNeil Invite (Round Rock) – Varsity Elite Teams

The Dragon boys team placed 3rd with Junior Nate Lannen finishing 17th overall at 15:22.  Next in for the boys was Antonio Florcruz in 46th (15:48), followed by Steven Torres in 74th (15:58), Lucas Levan in 75th (15:58) and rounding out the scoring positions was Tim Mcelaney in 83rd at 16:01.  Grant Anderson, 87th (16:05) and Jack Myers 93rd 16:07 completed the top seven.


The Lady Dragon girls’ team came away with a 2nd place finish, with Senior Sofia Santamaria leading the Lady Dragons taking 20th place overall at 18:16.  Next in line was Lydia Lo in 31stst (18:34), Kate Reppeto in 41st at 18:41, Lauren Langenberg in 75th at 19:01 and Katherine Mcelaney rounded out the scorers for the team in 76th at 19:02.  Grace Williamson 82nd (19:06) and Payton Wichman in 85th (19:10) completed the team’s seven. 


Wildcat Prowl (Denton) – Varsity and JV Teams

The Varsity boys team finished 2nd with Brett Gilley leading the team and finishing 13th (15:52), Jayden Chambless 14th (15:53), Chase Fisher 17th (15:59), Dimitri Desjardins 25th (16:10) and Noah Castro in 27th (16:11), completing the top 5.  The Varsity Lady Dragons finished 5th with Freshman Kristin Mader leading in 10th (19:13), Kaylie Cox in 19th (19:45), Gabby Dugger 21st (19:49), Caitlyn Midkiff 28th (20:05) and Brynn Floreano in 31st (20:18).


The JV Boys finished in 1st with just 21 points, led by Matthew Varriale finishing 1st overall (16:16), Devin Aydon 3rd (16:33), Jack Meyer 4th (16:35), Luke Darrah 6th (16:45), and Isaac Chavez in 7th (16:49).  The JV Lady Dragons also nabbed 1st with 37 points led by Audrey Kwentus in 3rd (20:08), Stephanie Smith 5th (20:17), Kara Kushwaha 8th (20:36), Elizabeth Cravens 10th (20:37) and Karley Beall 11th (20:46).


Head Cross Country Coach Justin Leonard commented, “We are extremely proud of the effort that our runners put forth this weekend in their last pre-district competition. Some of our runners had the opportunity to preview the State Meet course and gain some valuable insight which hopefully pays dividends later in the season. Words can’t express how proud we are of our runners that competed in the Wildcat Prowl in the Park Invite. We were able to split our teams into two meets and still come away with four top five Varsity finishes and two 1st place team performances in the JV division. This speaks volumes about our team depth and the amount of effort and dedication they exhibit on a weekly basis.”





Dragon Varsity Elite Top Boys and Girls Results (Round Rock)


3rd Place                                                                                                        2nd Place

17th -- Nate Lannen 15:22                                                       20th -- Sofia Santamaria 18:16

46th -- Antonio Florcruz 15:48                                               31st -- Lydia Lo18:34

74th – Steven Torres 15:58                                                      41st – Kate Reppeto 18:41

75th – Lucas Levant 15:58                                                       75th – Lauren Langenberg 19:01

83rd – Tim Mcelaney 16:01                                                     76th – Katherine Mcelaney 19:02

87th -- Grant Anderson 16:05                                                      82nd -- Grace Williamson 19:06

93rd -- Jack Myers 16:07                                                               85th -- Payton Wichman 19:10



Dragon Varsity and JV Top Results (Denton)


Varsity Boys (2nd) and Girls (5th)

13th Brett Gilley 15:52                                                                  10th Kristin Mader 19:13

14th Jayden Chambless 15:53                                                      19th Kaylie Cox 19:45

17th Chase Fisher 15:59                                                               21st Gabby Dugger 19:49

25th Dimitri Desjardins 16:10                                                     28th Caitlyn Midkiff 20:05

27th Noah Castro 16:11                                                                31st Brynn Floreano 20:18

35th Brian McCarthy 16:17                                                          32nd Sarah  Chen 20:19

37th Ryan Odneal 16:23                                                               38th Madalyn Wardin 20:34


JV Boys (1st) and Girls (1st)

1st Matthew Varriale 16:16                                                         3rd Audrey Kwentus 20:08

3rd Devon Aydon 16:33                                                                5th Stephanie Smith 20:17

4th Jack Meyer 16:35                                                                     8th Kara Kushwaha 20:36

6th Luke Darrah 16:45                                                                  10th Elizabeth Cravens 20:37

7th Isaac Chavez 16:49                                                                 11th Karley Beall 20:46




Next week the Dragons will prepare for the District meet on October 11th at Bob Jones Park in Southlake, TX.






All meet results can be found at

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