Lisa McBee
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The Rotary Club of Southlake, “people of action,” cheerfully participated in several service projects in response to the COVID-19 crisis. 

First, our Club stepped up to the call when the Presbyterian Night Shelter had to suspend volunteer services and were working with a skeleton crew to limit exposure to guests, staff and volunteers.  The Shelter was in desperate need for sandwiches to pass out to the homeless.  So, our “People of Action,” answered that call, making 100’s of sandwiches for several weeks.

Additionally, our club donated $800 to the North Texas Food Bank, and $800 to Community Storehouse to help them replenish their supplies for assisting those in need. 

The Southlake Rotary Club also participated in our Districts Rise event and donated $2200, which was matched by the District 5790, making our club’s donation $4400.00.  A BIG “thank you” to Southlake Rotarian & Past President, Marshall Ryan, for his challenge in matching our members total donations up to $1000!!!!  We might be small, but we are MIGHTY!!!!! #rotaryconnectstheworld #wearerotary #peopleofaction #southlakerotaryclub

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