ann bridgman

Now that spring break is almost behind us, it's a mad dash to get it all done before summer!  Have you ever asked yourself, "What's the benefit of hiring and interior designer?"

This article summarizes the benefits to you:


Though it might seem like interior decorators are a luxury reserved exclusively for the rich and famous, interior decorators work with people of all budgets.  Homeowners sometimes wrestle with the practicality of hiring a decorator, wondering why the should spend the money when they can do the work themselves,  But just like homeowners might hire professional electricians or landscapers, hiring a professional interior decorator can ensure the job is done right, within budget and completed within a reasonable amount of time. 

Those who have already invested quite a bit of money into their homes but want to add some finishing touches would be wise to hire interior decorators or designers.  Homeowners often have no ideas where to begin when attempting to establish flow from room to room in their homes.  Decorators can help homeowners tailor the interior of their homes till the homes produce the desired vibe.

Hiring a designer can help a person avoid making potential costly design errors.  And aesthetically appealing house also can increase the home's value, setting a property above others in terms of appeal.  Even though the designer will charge a fee, the investment may be well worth the expense when the room is done right the first time. 

Interior decorators have numerous resources at their disposal.  Fine tuned to the world of design, they understand which trends will come and go and also which design ideas have staying power.  In addition decorators will be in touch with vendors in the industry, connecting homeowners with the best of the best in terms f providing furniture, housewares, photography and additional special touches that help make a house a home. 

In addition to expertise and resources, interior decorators have eyes that will be trained on things homeowners might not have noticed or even realized can be done.  A designer may envision removing a room to create more space or knocking a wall down to let more natural light into a room. 

Designers and decorators are trained to think differently and spatially to achieve concepts homeowners may never have envisioned for themselves.  They can help tell stories through design and improve spaces immeasurably. 

-Northwest Florida Daily News 3/8/15

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