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Students at The Clariden School in Southlake recently qualified as national finalists in the 13th Annual Team America Rocketry Challenge (TARC) which is the world's largest rocketry contest. The middle and high school student rocketry teams will travel in May to face off against 99 other top qualifying teams from across the U.S. to vie for the title of national champion. Approximately 700 teams competed to make it to nationals.

This is the second year that Clariden students have entered the contest. They are competing for more than $60,000 in prizes and scholarships along with the prestigious honor of representing the U.S. at the International Rocketry Challenge taking place at the International Air Show in June.

Sponsored by the Aerospace Industries Association, the National Association of Rocketry and 27 industry partners, TARC is the U.S. aerospace and defense industry's flagship program designed to encourage students to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). Since its inception, the competition has challenged over 60,000 middle and high school students to design, build, and fly rockets to meet specific altitude and flight duration patterns.

This year's rules require a rocket to carry a raw egg 800 feet in the air and return it to earth intact within 46 to 48 seconds. The TARC national finals will take place on May 9 at Great Meadow in Plains, VA outside of Washington D.C.

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