Summer Santa's Mother's Day Tea



Central Standard Time



Trophy Club Country Club
500 Trophy Club Drive
Trophy Club, Tx, Texas 76262

Sip tea with Summer Santa!

Summer Santa and Food Saved Me, presenting sponsor invite you to a Mother’s Day Tea. Honor that special lady in your life with Summer Santa’s Mother’s Day Afternoon Tea with Chef Darren McGrady to be held at Trophy Club on May 12 from 10:30 AM to 1:30 PM.

Spend the afternoon with friends and family sipping tea and sampling delicious delectables with Chef Darren McGrady, former Royal Chef to Princess Diana. If you attended last year, please come again. Darren will have new stories and adventures to share.

Proceeds benefit the Summer Santa Back to School Shopping  and Summer Camp Scholarship programs. Since 1997 Summer Santa has helped thousands of children in Northeast Tarrant County with new school clothes and a fun summer camp adventure at a camp of their choice.

Buy your tickets today for a lovely Mother’s Day celebration and help a child experience new clothes or a camp adventure. Limited number of tickets are available so don’t wait to purchase tickets at